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Financial Enhancement Group (FEG) is a wealth management firm based in Central Indiana with offices in Anderson, Brownsburg, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Rensselaer. This page is updated with insightful posts on tax strategies, retirement planning, investing, and the economy. We invite you to read our articles to stay informed on the current and changing financial climate and share this information with your friends and family.
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Recent Posts
- How Tax Credits Can Boost Your Financial Security and Reduce Tax Burden
- Considering Retirement Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Stability and Peace of Mind
- Indiana Estate Planning: New Law Extends Trust Duration to 360 Years
- New Year, Time to Review Your Coverage?
- New Year, New Investment Strategy?
- 401(k) Rollover
- 401k
- 403(b)
- 5 Critical Elements
- 529 Plan
- Aging
- Aging Parents
- AIF®
- Allocation
- annuities
- Appreciated Assets
- Articles By Aaron
- Articles By Adam
- Articles By Beau
- Articles by Chris
- Articles by Daren
- Articles by Dean
- Articles By Grant
- Articles by Grant Thompson
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- Articles By Michael
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- Rollovers
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- Roth Conversions
- Roth IRA
- Sandwich Generation
- Secure Act
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- Segments with Aaron Rheaume
- Segments with Adam Harter
- Segments with Chris Rodgers
- Segments with Daren Hardesty
- Segments with Dean Huddleston
- Segments with Grant Soliven
- Segments with Jamie Burton
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- snowbirds
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- The Better Giver
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- Uncategorized
- V For Victory
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- Wills
- Your Life After Work
- Your Retirement Playbook- The Podcast