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Over more than 25 years we have helped families prepare for retirement. Our trademarked approach called the Family Focus® Process revolves around 5 Critical Elements that we believe are the cornerstones to a successful retirement. Our process is family-focused, simple, and works with your changing needs and goals.
The families FEG works with look forward to a day where they no longer work for financial resources but to live a life that intrigues, excites, and fulfills their personal objectives. For some this is leaving the workforce all together, but for many of our families it simply implies changing how they live their lives on a daily basis. Understanding the best and most tax-efficient method of drawing income in retirement can have far-reaching implications for both you and future generations.
Our job is to help you transition from one phase of life to the next with the least amount of financial stress and confusion. Want to learn more? Watch this video!
Our families understand that the Financial Enhancement Group is legally bound to treat our families’ money as if it were our own and we were in the same situation. We are legal fiduciaries and we take that role very seriously. We work to design the correct investment playbook by making sure your assets are in the right portfolios for your goals and expectations as well as your needs. We are adaptive to change as your personal needs evolve and we are able to take the appropriate actions to keep your investments in-line with your risk tolerance.
To learn more about our investment philosophy
please click here.
As our families know, life happens and there are certain risks that cannot be avoided. It’s our job as your financial advisor to make sure you are aware of possible roadblocks in your financial journey and offer potential solutions. We must make certain the hard earned assets that you have as well as the income you require to maintain your standard of living are properly protected. Whether it be the decision to help a child or grandchild with college tuition, the growing need to assist a parent with long-term care, or the financial impact of purchasing a second home.
We stand ready to help explore various options and resolutions, making sure you know you’re not alone.
You have worked hard not only to build wealth but also to build memories. The families we work with want to make sure their assets are properly respected while they are being used for their own needs as well as their financial heirs. Financial Enhancement Group works diligently to make sure assets are properly titled, properly owned, and prepared for simplicity of transfer when the time is right.
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Financial Enhancement Group is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
Wealth Management & Financial Planning
The FEG team regularly shares pertinent financial information to help educate our friends and families on what’s happening in the market, as well as information on financial planning. Fill out the form below to be added to our list for distribution.
If you request a “Next Steps” meeting, we will discuss with you things you should do today, things to consider tomorrow, and if we choose to partner together… a written plan on what Financial Enhancement Group can do to help meet your goals.