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Senior Analyst
Zach serves as a senior analyst with Financial Enhancement Group (FEG), where he has been a valuable team member since 2020, focusing primarily on asset management. His background includes a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, and he is certified as an Exercise Physiologist. While his credentials extend beyond the world of finance, his passion for the field and dedication to supporting others drive his work. He is also currently pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) designation.
Zach is passionate about sports, exercise, and enjoys spending time in biblical and faith-based studies with his church community. He and his wife have a son, a dog, and two cats. They embrace every opportunity to explore new places together.
Financial Enhancement Group is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
Wealth Management & Financial Planning
If you request a “Next Steps” meeting, we will discuss with you things you should do today, things to consider tomorrow, and if we choose to partner together… a written plan on what Financial Enhancement Group can do to help meet your goals.
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