We want to remind you that your opportunity to take action on this year’s taxes is coming to an end. When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, time is up! Don’t wait until the last minute to take action on your taxes. Watch the video to gain a little more insight into why tax planning is so important. Set up a time to bring your 2016 1040 to our office, or send us an email with your 1040, for your convenience.


We look forward to hearing from you and ensuring you’re prepared for the upcoming tax season.


A Tailored Approach

Did you know that new events or conditions in your life could impact your taxes? These are some of the more significant life events for you to consider.

Did your marital status change? (married, death, divorce)

Do you plan to retire next year?

Did you make any Social Security decisions this year?

Did you make any new significant charitable contributions this year?

Did you have any large unexpected expenses this year that could be deducted? (married, death, divorce)

Did you have any changes to your income this year? (positive or negative)

Do you make charitable contributions AND are you or your spouse over 70.5 AND have an IRA or tax deferred retirement account?

Call us at 1-800-928-4001, to learn how your tax return and your future retirement work together. We will review your tax return for opportunities to reduce taxes this year or in the future. Time is running out. Call for your complementary update soon.


Fill out the form above to learn more about how Tax Planning, along with the other 5 Critical Elements, can help you prepare to Enjoy Your Life After Work.

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch to schedule an appointment.

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Schedule a "Next Steps" Meeting

If you request a “Next Steps” meeting, we will discuss with you things you should do today, things to consider tomorrow, and if we choose to partner together… a written plan on what Financial Enhancement Group can do to help meet your goals.

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