Retired minimum distribution

Pulling money out of your accounts does not feel natural because you spent all your time putting that money in there. Another reason people do not pull money out of their accounts is that they don’t need it! Lastly, there’s a fear of running out of money. Those are the three pain points for people not taking their money out of accounts. Regarding the Required Minimum Distribution, you need to understand that your retirement dollars will exit. They will either exit by your design, they can go by the force of the IRS (with a 50% penalty), or you let lawyers settle it. Most people should design a plan.

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“Kicking the Tax-Can Down the Road”, article by Daren Hardesty

RMD's: They are called that for a reason!

Are you turning 72 soon? What you need to know.


Things to consider before you retire.


You just need to be sure your plan is solid.

Whether you take care of this on your own or have a fiduciary, get the answers you need to know!

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