Wealth Management & Financial Planning

Wealth Management & Financial Planning

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Richard Middleton

Title: Financial Advisor
Credentials: I am a Registered Investment Advisor Representative and have been in the insurance industry since 1998. I am also a member of Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor Group.
Favorite Movie or TV Show: The Quiet Man, The Princess Bride, and The Blacklist
Favorite Game: Any game my granddaughters would like to play.
My Role: It’s my responsibility to meet with families and help them create a plan that best fits their financial journey.
Best Part of My Job: I truly enjoy getting to meet new people and helping them become comfortable with their finances while implementing strategies that meet their needs.
Hobbies & Interests: Bundesliga Futbol, watching NFL games, camping, and diving.
Volunteer & Philanthropy: I enjoy coaching youth soccer.

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