Wealth Management & Financial Planning

Wealth Management & Financial Planning

Welcome to Part Two of Financial Enhancement Group's Legacy Planning Video Series

ensuring your legacy aligns with your values and desires

Enjoy the four videos below, created for you by yours truly, Joseph A. Clark, CFP®. 

Our hope is not only that you learn a few things, but that we create a few questions for you. 

Why? Well, because the more active role you take in creating your Legacy Plan… the stronger your plan will be. 

What does that mean? It means your wishes will be carried out and all of the hard work you put in pays off!

Considerations for Your Legacy...

  1. The Seven Key Considerations
  2. Assets and Beneficiaries
  3. Keeping It All Up to Date

Who are Your Beneficiaries

  1. Beneficiary Needs are Not Always Equal
  2. Assets are Not Always Equal
  3. How to Give to Charity

Are Your Beneficiaries the Same as Your Spouse's Beneficiaries

  1. When a Spouse Remarries
  2. Intention vs. Outcome
  3. Ensuring Your Intentions are Met

Beneficiary Challenges...

  1. Family Members with Special Needs
  2. Divorce, Bankruptcy, and Unapproved Spending
  3. Leaving a Lump Sum, Installments, or Gradual Payments

Schedule a "Next Steps" Meeting

If you request a “Next Steps” meeting, we will discuss with you things you should do today, things to consider tomorrow, and if we choose to partner together… a written plan on what Financial Enhancement Group can do to help meet your goals.

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